Joe & Amber

14 March 2020



A Tree Climb

Joe and Amber had their pre-wedding shoot in Autumn before their wedding the following spring. They asked if our shoot could take place on a walk around the area close to where they would be getting married. As with most of my couples, they both felt a little self-conscious as we started. Gradually though they started to relax and by the time they had finished climbing (and getting down from) a fallen tree, they were completely at home in front of the camera!

A Wedding in 2020!

Joe and Amber held their wedding on the 14th March 2020, 9 days before the UK locked down due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. It was consequently (at least so far) my only wedding of 2020. Although family and guests were aware of the potential of lockdown (I remember a family member hoping they wouldn’t be locked down on the Isle of Wight) everyone at the wedding had a completely wonderful time. The bridal preparations took place at Nettlecombe Farm with the fabulous Lynsey-Marie Lamothe in attendance for hair and make-up. The bride travelled to The Royal Hotel, venue for both the ceremony and reception) in a beautiful classic car. After a sweet ceremony and a fantastic confetti shower we went off to the cliff-top garden for their couple photos. Guests enjoyed a classic roast dinner followed by a hilarious game of ‘Mr & Mrs’ and dancing all night.


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