Tag: colour grade

Katie and Simon looking chic, kissing at Freshwater Bay during their pre-wedding shoot

Chic & the Beach, A Pre-Wedding Shoot.

So Chic, so Freshwater! Katie and Simon brought London chic to Freshwater Bay during their pre-wedding shoot. This gorgeous couple opted to make the most of their included shoot by scheduling it as a pre-wedding/post-wedding day! As is becoming more

Alice and Daniel with their Doberman puppy dog at Windy Gap during their pre-wedding shoot the day before we provided them with their wedding photography at Ventnor Botanic Garden on the Isle of Wight.

Pre-Wedding Shoot with Doberman!

The Happy Couple and their Giant Puppy! Alice and Daniel’s pre-wedding photo session took place on the day before their wedding. They initially arranged to meet our team in the Compton Bay car park. On arriving, due to the rough



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